Born in Taoyuan, Taiwan. Graduated from TNUA Institute of Trans-disciplinary Arts.
The genre of his works mainly extends to video, Art Activism, and writing. He explores how people respond to their own biopolitics through the ecological environment, geopolitics, and religious beliefs. Through field practice and artistic research, he creates aesthetic experiences and texts. He uses video as a visualization of action in response. The concept of "Art Activism Cinema" is proposed and implemented to address social phenomena and his own feelings.
Recent projects include the study of land gods from the perspective of Animism, exemplified in "If Mountains Have Deities," which showcased Xinbei and Taoyuan. Additionally, there's the Aerotropolis project in his hometown, acquired by the government, where he utilizes publishing, Art Activism, and video documentation as forms of response. He also organizes the team "Delayed Takeo ff From Taoyuan" to address current events. Works include "Going to the Mountains," for which he received the First Place Award in the TNUA Contemporary Art Prize. Furthermore, his works have been exhibited in various prestigious events such as the TNUA Arts Contemporary Art Award, Taoyuan International Art Award, Green Island Human Rights Art Festival, Jakarta Biennale, Kaohsiung Award, FLOW Art In Action, and others.

展出資訊 Exhibition information
《 臺北美術獎 》,臺北市立美術館,2024/11/14 - 2025/03/02
"Taipei Art Award" Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
《 這裡什麼也沒發生》,舍夫德文化中心,2024/10/17 - 2025/03/16
“Utställning: Nothing Happened here Today”Skövde Kulturhus, Skövde, Sweden
國立臺北藝術大學新媒體藝術學系 學士
國立臺北藝術大學藝術跨域研究所 碩士
2024 《 金礦、深淵、山神廟 》,435藝文特區 新海館
2021 《 靈山誌 》,水谷藝術
《 臺北美術獎 》,臺北市立美術館
《 這裡什麼也沒發生 》,舍夫德文化中心,(團體)
《 繞行的航班 》,洞宴三進-展覽空間,(團體)
《 ~洪~水~再~氾~濫~ 》,182 space,(團體)
《 Now&After國際錄像藝術節台灣單元 》,CCI Fabrika當代美術館
《 森人—太魯閣藝駐計劃IV Part 3「山上的家務事」》,立方計畫空間
《 青春行—2023大河文藝季 》,鍾肇政文學園區
《 Signal Z 》,台北當代藝術館,(團體)
《 行!做伙來轉 》,2023流域行動藝術祭,江湖開放工作室,(團體)
《 嶾嶙的岳光:在敬與畏的稜線間 》,臺南市美術館
《 桃園市美術家邀請展 》,桃園市政府文化局
《 高雄獎 》,高雄市立美術館
《 鬧著玩 / 現正播放中 》NEXT—台新藝術獎20週年大展—衛星展,南海藝廊
《 北藝當代創作獎 》,關渡美術館
《 黑金計畫-我們共用一條河》,節點藝術空間,(團體)
《 關於島嶼的隱喻:島影.影島》,雅加達雙年展播映單元,雅加達
《 關於島嶼的隱喻:臺灣與尼泊爾鄉憂系列計畫IV》,Gallery Mcube,尼泊爾、水谷藝術
《 不在場。證明-2021年臺泰交流展覽二部曲 》,絕對空間,線上展
《 假如綠島是一面鏡子-綠島人權藝術季 》,綠島人權博物館
《 桃源國際藝術獎 》,桃園展演中心
《 流浪的土地公-北投社保德宮的神明地誌學 》,鳳甲美術館、保德宮
《 Photo GO攝影上桌-臺南國際攝影節 》,水交社文化園區
《 Reentry再入-北藝新媒104級畢業展 》,松山文創園區
《 台北藝術自由日 Taipei Free Art Fair 》 ,松山文創園區
《 下來吧!Come Down!2.0 》,人文廣場
《 “ ”媒體藝術學系 》,地下美術館
《 趨勢-台北藝術攝影博覽會 TIVAC 》,華山1914文創園區
2024 《 臺北美術獎 》,優選
2023 《 高雄獎 》,入選
2022 《 北藝當代創作獎 》,首獎
2021 《 桃源國際藝術獎 》,入選
2018 《 趨勢-台北藝術攝影博覽會 TIVAC 》, 評審獎
2019 B.F.A. Department of New Media Arts, Taipei National University of the Arts,
2024 M.F.A. Institute of Trans-disciplinary Arts, Taipei National University of the Arts,
Solo Exhibitions
2024 "Gold Mine, Abyss, Mountain God Temple", 435 Art Zone,NewTaipei,Taiwan
2021 “Wander within spirits and mountains ”, Waley Art, Taipei, Taiwan
Group Exhibitions
"Taipei Art Award" Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
“Utställning: Nothing Happened here Today”Skövde Kulturhus, Skövde, Sweden(Teamwork)
“Detoured flights“Uncharted Art Space, Taoyuan, Taiwan(Teamwork)
"Floods Overflowing Again",182 space, Tainan, Taiwan(Teamwork)
"International Video Art Festival Now&After'23",CCI Fabrika, Moscow, Russia
“Tree Tree Tree Person - Tarokko Arts Residency Project IV Prat 3:Famaily Matters in the Mountains“,TheCube Project Space ,Taipei, Taiwan
"Journey of Youth",Chung-Chao-cheng Literary Park, Taoyuan , Taiwan
“Signal Z”, Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei, Taiwan(Teamwork)
“Glory of Mighty Mountains: Ridges between Awe and Respect”, Tainan ArtsMuseum , Tainan , Taiwan
"Taoyuan City Artist Invitation Exhibition" Department of Cultural Affairs, Taoyuan , Taiwan
“KaoHsiung Award”, KaoHsiung Museum of Fine Arts, KaoHsiung, Taiwan
“Now Playing...Taishin Arts Award 20th Anniversary Exhibition Satellite Exhibition”, NTUE Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan
“ TNUA Contemporary Art Prize”, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts,Taipei, Taiwan
“ Black Soil - Forgathering by One River”,Zit-Dim Art Space,Tainan, Taiwan(Teamwork)
“ Metaphors about Islands: Islands’ Shadows and Shadows’ Islands”, Jakarta Biennale, Jakarta, Indonesia
“ Metaphors about Islands: Solastalgia IV”, Kathmandu,Nepal& Taipei, Taiwan
“ Absence・Evidence— Taiwan-Thailand Residential Bilateral Exchange Exhibition- Part Two”, Online
“ Green Island Human Rights Art Festival”,Green Island White Terror Memorial Park, Green Island, Taiwan
“ Taoyuan International Art Award”, Taoyuan Arts Center, Taoyuan, Taiwan
“ Wandering Land Gods ”, Honggah Museum&Bao-De Temple, Taipei, Taiwan
“ Tainan International Foto Festival ”, ShueJiaoShe Cultural Park, Tainan, Taiwan
“ Reentry ” , Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, Taipei, Taiwan
“ Taipei Free Art Fair ”, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, Taipei, Taiwan
“ Come Down ! 2.0 ”, Humanities Square Park, Taipei, Taiwan
“ [ ] Media Arts ”, Underground Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
“ Tendency—Taipei Art Photo Show ”, Huashan 1914 Creative Park, Taipei, Taiwan
2024, "Taipei Art Award" Honorable Mention
2023, “KaoHsiung Award” Selected Award
2022, “ TNUA Contemporary Art Prize” Grand Prize
2021, “ Taoyuan International Art Award ” Selected Award
2018, “ Taipei Art Photo Show TIVAC ” Jury Award